Monday 15 December 2014

Indian Abacus @ Times Kidz World – Exhibition 2014, White Orchids Convention Centre, Manyantara Tech Park, Hebbal, Bangalore, on 12th, 13th and 14th December, 2014.

Indian Abacus foresees good presence in Karnataka

Times Kidz World – Exhibition 2014 was held at White Orchids Convention Centre, Manyantara Tech Park, Hebbal, Bangalore, on 12th, 13th and 14th December, 2014. There were more than 55 exhibitors and most of them were from the Children’s education sector.  International Schools, Preschools and companies offering para education products took part. The 3 days Exhibition was visited by thousands of Parents with their kids, educationists and managements of schools and there was an overwhelming response.  Many Kids showed their interest in operating the Indian Abacus tools.  Parents appreciated the attractive and useful features of the tools.  The educationists and the management members of the schools appreciated the improved features of Indian Abacus Tools which enhance the learning aspects, who showed interest in introduction of the program in their schools.

There was also an overwhelming response for Franchise Centres from different corners of Bangalore city and also from districts.  The response for the upgraded features of the products & program of Indian Abacus from different sections leaves a firm footing for the future of the company’s franchise prospects in the state. 

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